Also interested in this. I’d love to be able to to use keyboard shortcuts (like command+c) as well.
How do I make Flic2 a HID Bluetooth keyboard
Anyone managed to make Flic 2 a Bluetooth button? Says it can, but I can’t figure out how..
@kurtangus Hi! This has now been released for the iOS app. Now you can select "Real-time" when adding Keyboard Command to Push trigger to make the key correspond to the actual button down and up event!
@kurtangus Hi!
This will be released in the next update of the Flic app for iOS, scheduled for next week. I will let you know when it's out!
- topic:timeago_earlier,7 days
@Emil Hi Emil, Is true HiD functionality now implemented?
- topic:timeago_earlier,2 years
It's not possible yet as a HID keyboard will repeat if a key is. held down. Flic 2 has this in built-in but it's not enabled.
- topic:timeago_earlier,9 months
@josearellano Yes!
On the firmware side we have just recently implemented this and are now doing some tests in the field.At the same time we are now working on the UI for configuring the button and hope to be able to release this soon.
Any news on this?
- topic:timeago_earlier,2 months
Also interested in this. I’d love to be able to to use keyboard shortcuts (like command+c) as well.
- topic:timeago_earlier,2 months
In our iOS app HID keyboard is used for some actions such as trigger camera, page turner etc.
A more "raw" keyboard feature is in development and will come later.
I haven't figured it out yet. It does say on their site that it can be a HID keyboard (which is the main reason I got these), but I am not sure how or if it is actually possible.