@Emil Any updates on this? I'd love to control my Christmas lights (from Twinkly) with the Flic Twist, but I need it hooked up to Home Assistant for that, and that seems to require that I can send an http request to my Hom Assistant.. Currently I've managed to hook up the single click and double click, but not having the twist on the Flic Twist seems silly
Flic Twist - SDK Support
While some users are disappointed from the Twist, I could use it to control my Hue lights brightness or colour temperature.
However for SDK integration (i.e. with the great MQTT Project https://github.com/50ButtonsEach/flic-hub-sdk-mqtt-js ) how can we pic up the rotation event ?
In all examples, I just see subscription to buttonManager.on("buttonSingleOrDoubleClickOrHold", function(obj) { do_something(); }
but for the Twist there must be a different event which I have not spotted in the documentation yet.
Florian. -
sgemmen 12 Apr 2024, 15:45
Hey @flicflop!
I nearly have a workaround for getting the twist events on the hub. Maybe you have some thoughts on it https://community.flic.io/topic/18405/flic-twist-feature-request-advanced-position-triggers-actions
- 21 days earlier
@Emil In the meantime before we get full SDK support for twist, would your team be willing to make public the BLE protocol used and/or update your repo for Twist support:
Most of the protocol is already described in there, I would just need to know any additional opcodes for Twist and their packet definition.
I have a lot of professional experience with BLE and would be happy to help build a client program for Twist (or update your existing client in the above repo) so some of your customers can start using it with a BLE enabled device like Home Assistant.
@Emil Hope it's on your roadmap, I can't wait to start a project with the twist
- 12 days earlier
@Emil Any updates on this? I'd love to control my Christmas lights (from Twinkly) with the Flic Twist, but I need it hooked up to Home Assistant for that, and that seems to require that I can send an http request to my Hom Assistant.. Currently I've managed to hook up the single click and double click, but not having the twist on the Flic Twist seems silly
yeah I totally agree... its essential to offer SDK integration for the twist (rotation event) as that was the primary and only reason why i supported the development of it. The device is pretty pointless if all you can do with the SDK is click. i Would love MQTT with the rotation event as well (in a perfect world) but will settle for SDK. Thank you flicteam for the (yet).... I wait in anticipation to be able to use the flic twist to its full potential in my own custom integrations.
Flicteam: Do you have a beta release of your firmware for the hub, if so how does one contact you receive it.
- 16 days earlier
@Emil I also received my flic twist order. Unfortunately my use case also relies on the api support. When will the rotation events be supported... Thanks for any estimate.
when? - 24 days earlier
Hi. The Hub SDK does not (yet) support the rotation event of the Flic Twist.