@woodhams Okey good to know! Well I honestly have to say that the current iOS app has a lot of known issues with the WeMo provider as well. For the latest iOS app we did completely re-do the WeMo provider. The main reason for why this was done was due to the fact that we were seeing major stability issues (crashes) originating from the WeMo SDK provided by Belkin. They also recently officially dropped support for their official SDK which lead us to proceed with our own implementation.
While we did spend a lot of time implementing and testing this we still managed to release a version that ended up not working properly. In particular, we noticed that the WeMo devices will occasionally, for some reason, change ports for their TCP connections which the current release does not handle properly.
We will release a new app next week which will solve the majority of these mentioned issues. Regarding your lights, I just want to make sure that I understand your setup. You are using a WeMo Link and connecting WeMo lights through that? As I said, I know that the current WeMo provider has issues with the lightbulbs, but I still think that they at least should be discovered during a search..
Regarding your Light Switches not showing up I have to admit that that is caused purely due to an oversight on our side. The light switches are not available for the european market (which is where we are located) so we sort of "forgot" to implement support for them since we don't have them in our inventory.. We are of course fixing this as well, but it is unclear whether that fix will make it into next week's release.
Once again, we are very sorry about this! We will do our best to avoid similar problems in the future.