I am having the same issue.
Unable to change battery of flic location
After one day's use my flic location is unresponsive. The red light does not come on when the button is pressed and it is not bonded to my phone.
I suspect the battery might be faulty but I am unable to open it to change the battery. I have stuck it down on a flat surface and tried to unscrew the top piece by turning it counterclockwise but it simply will not budge.
What am I doing wrong? How can I open it to check the battery and change it if necessary?
Same experience with flic2.. so hard to open and change battery.. what’s the trick?
- 3 years earlier
Same issue here, bought this week.
To much shelf time? - 9 months earlier
Hi, Flic Singles (Location, Music, etc) cannot be opened, and therefore the battery cannot be changed. Please send an email to support@shortcutlabs.com and if your button is faulty we'll replace it
I am having the same issue.