4 Dec 2020, 09:38

I am attempting to integrate the flic button using the flic hub with noonlight API.

This is what I need to pass to noonlight using the flic hub:

curl --request POST
--url https://api-sandbox.noonlight.com/dispatch/v1/alarms
--header 'Accept: application/json'
--header 'Authorization: Bearer AO3yovlMivKQrNLp72cH5QRLoazSbMxS'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--data '{"location":{"address":{"line1":"1234 Street Ave.","city":"East City name","state":"AL","zip":"92310"}},"services":{"police":true,"fire":true,"medical":true},"instructions":{"entry":"0000"},"name":"John Smith","phone":"15555555555","pin":"0000"}'

How would I format this in the flic internet request ?