Will we ever be able to view the battery info?
The title says it all. The original button came out over a decade ago. The Flic 2 came out in 2019 I think and I've owned Flic buttons since 2021 and we still can't view the battery life.
I'm sure a lot of us would like a heads up about when the battery is going to die or simply monitor it. So is that in the works at all at the moment?
@Emil Is this in the ios app? Where can I see it?
@Emil Okay thanks. While that's disappointing to hear, I think it's a fair reason for why we don't have a battery indicator.
@Rice-Eater probably not. It's very hard to draw any conclusions from a battery discharge curve the first 70% of the battery usage since the voltage will always be high during that time. It's only when the battery approaches its end of life that you can really notice that the voltage drops more and more. Also when the battery is stressed, like when the LED is on, the voltage temporarily drops even more. That's why we have chosen this approach to only show an icon when we estimate the battery is low.
Other more sophisticated devices such as smart phones use coulomb counting to accurately estimate battery life but we can only measure the voltage level.
That said, with the SDKs we offer we can still give you the actual battery voltage level in case you want to use that information.
@Emil I'm aware of that but I guess I should have clarified exactly what I mean. Will we ever have a battery number in the app? We know a new battery would mean 100% and then we can monitor the usage and see that it has hit 70% after a 2 months. It would be nice to have that info available.
@Rice-Eater The app will show a red low battery indicator when the voltage is low. The Flic 2 button will also show two short red LED blinks when pressed if the voltage is low.