Wow, I can see tumble weeds blowing across this discussion! Anyone from flic fancy replying?

Latest posts made by andrew 1
RE: Sonos group volume with Twist
Sonos group volume with Twist
How can I get the Twist to control a Sonos group volume? At the moment I have three rooms grouped together, kitchen, breakfast and utility rooms. I have set the twist to control the master speaker but instead of controlling the group volume, it only controls the volume for that one speaker.
Vloggers receiving Twist units before us.
I think we have all been extremely patient with Flic whilst all the bugs are ironed out of the Flic Twist. It's been 2 years, probably a bit more. You expect a long development time with this sort of project, that's fine, I don't have an issue with that and I'm happy to wait a bit longer while the orders get processed.
However, I have a huge problem with seeing Flic Twist units popping up on smart home You Tube channels. I would bet that none of them have paid for these units and have not supported the company. Surely the paying customers like you and me should have priority?
Hands up if you are annoyed about this too?