@emil I had it previously set up so my phone was on my guest network and so was the Flic Hub. I couldn't access the site on my computer because my computer was on a different network. So I had to change the Flic Hub to be on that network.

Latest posts made by Kethlak
RE: Red dot on SDK website
RE: Red dot on SDK website
@emil Okay, I switched the Flic Hub to my main wifi network so my computer could reach it, and lo and behold it had a green dot, and I was able to access it via Chrome on my desktop. I can just switch it back to the guest network when I'm done. This is bizarre.
Red dot on SDK website
I've had a Flic with the Hub set up for a while without issues. I'm new to trying to use the SDK. On the app, I have hub version 3.0.12. In the settings, I have the setting "Hub SDK web access open" enabled. When I go to the website (hubsdk.flic.io) with my phone on the guest network that the flic is on, I see it listed in "Found on Network" but it has a red dot next to it, and entering its IP address and the password give me a red box that says "Could not connect". I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.