We use this script with the hub at Nationaltheatret in Norway, and it works super nice!
I have put two buttons on two different phones, so that the actor who answers the phones, push the button, and it sends an osc-command to Qlab to stop the ring ring que.
The hub is about 20meters away from the buttons, and we have 350-370 audience every day.

Posts made by MagAa
RE: Using HUB with OSC,MIDI,KEY Commands
RE: Controlling QLab with the hub for buttons far away from the Mac
QLab is listening for osc on port 53000, and osc message is /cue/{cue_number}/go
Here is the dictionary, if it helps.https://qlab.app/docs/v5/scripting/osc-dictionary-v5/
For our use in the theatre, I think we'll mainly use this message. And then put buttons around for the actors to push.
RE: Controlling QLab with the hub for buttons far away from the Mac
@oskar Hei Oskar!
This is the scenario:
We have two old telephones, I will trigger the ringing sound from QLab, and when the actor answers the phone, they will push a flic that plays a cue to stop the ringing.I have tried just with my Mac via Bluetooth (this works), but the phones will be to far away from the computer running Qlab.
I can set up a local closed wifi network that only the mc and the hub are connected to. -
Controlling QLab with the hub for buttons far away from the Mac
Hello flic!
Magnus from the National theatre of Norway here.
I want to use some buttons in a play, so the actors can trigger cues in Qlab themselves.
The buttons are too far away from the Mac to use bluetooth, so I thought I could set up a wifi network. QLab can receive osc-messages.I saw another reply in an old thread here quoting "EMIL" : think the easiest would be to just set up a http server on your computer and then use the Internet Request action on the Flic hub. Then your http server can then further make osc requests or whatever when a button event is received.
But i´m no programmer, so how do I set up a server and how do I make this server send osc requests?
I hope someone can help me. And I know that these buttons are wanted on other plays, if we can make them work with QLab!