This is what I ended up doing:

Posts made by mart
RE: Python TCP Client
A flexible hub, running on a pi zero
To those who just want to have a button pointed at hardware that lets you run arbitrary code (in python, shell, perl etc) I'm sharing my quick and dirty instructions for executing scripts via a bit of python. It is for a very specific use case, but is probably a timesaver for those wanting to get set up, and has instructions for starting the script as a service.
link->'m a user who finds the app too constraining, and the sdk too complex. If you are not a software developer, but can code, this might be useful.
It's almost certainly too brief, but if people are interested then I'll try to make them a bit clearer....
Entering IR codes rather than recording them
How dirty will I need to get my hands to be able to specify IR codes rather than record them? I have a flic IR blaster attached to a Hub LR. I want to emulate a remote that I don't have. What is the best direction for me to head in?
RE: Python TCP Client
This looks great. My use case is a little different. I want a machine on my network to activate some code when it sees that I am issuing commands to a device via the flic. I have some perl that switches inputs on a device. Ideally the hub would do it, but the this is the quick and dirty way.
Anyway, thanks for sharing. If I get things working I'll give a better explanation of what I'm doing
RE: Chromecast speaker groups and Nvidia ShieldTV support?
Bump! The Inability of the LR Hub to see Chromecast Audio groups on my LAN means my flics are pretty useless for controlling audio. Is there a technical reason that this is not the case?