@flic95 Make me an offer. I have 6.

Posts made by rshawgo
RE: The First Batch - A lesson learnt about hardware and early assumptions.
RE: The First Batch - A lesson learnt about hardware and early assumptions.
Thanks for nothing. You’ve helped me decide to remove these from my junk drawer and into the trash can. This is NO WAY to treat those who helped get you off the ground. I kept these around because I had faith that there would be an update that would make these useful. Congrats on the update; too bad it only works on the "new" ones.
You should have offered a buy-back program to thank the early adopters that helped you make your dreams a reality. That would have, at least, allowed you to re-use certain parts of the flic for the newer ones that actually serve a purpose. As it is, I will be disposing of a useless product rather than spend any more money than I already have spent.
I purchased 6 of these. Like the previous responder, I refuse to pay $50 for 4, plus another $34 for 2 more. You have really upset a lot of people.
Thanks... but no thanks.