I tried to setup my IR with my Philips TV, to go to the settings and to put the ambilight ON, which means that there is many action to do successively with one click. But often it doesn’t work and it do something random like changing tv channel, going to whatever settings...
I would like to know if there is a procedure to explain how to set it up, specially for the different delay times we can put or an example how to use the IR option.

Posts made by Sébastien
IR not working correctly with TV
Phone actions through the Hub and IP address
Is there a way to set an action on my phone (vibration, sound,...) when I click a flic button which is connected to the Hub, if I don't have the bluetooth connected on my phone?
My phone is always connected to my network, but not the bluetooth. And for example if I want to find it, I would like to be able to click a flic and then the phone vibrates.
I would like to know then if it is possible to have this action using IP or MAC address of the phone, with a button connected to the Hub.As another example, my son has a flic on his bed, to be able to switch on and off the hue bulbs in his bedroom. But I also add an action that when he double click, I have a sound played on my phone meaning he wants me to go to him. I wanted him to be able to use the button to switch the lights even if I and my phone are not at home, so I set up the light through the Hub. But then I lost the "play sound on my phone" action.
How can I fix that?
This issue is more like not being able to connect a button to a phone and to the Hub in the same time.Thanks,