Oh easy! Thank you

Latest posts made by to_the_sun
How to create sequences in universal mode?
When using the button as a keyboard in Universal mode it says
To further extend the use of having a Flic connected as a HID or MIDI device it is also possible to execute key combinations and sequences. For example, if you want to start an application on Windows, you press [Win + R] to open the “Run” dialogue and then type “https://google.se” to open up a browser with this address.but then doesn't tell you how to set up sequences. I want to have the press of a button type a certain sentence and then press enter. Currently I have to click once to type the sentence, then double-click to press enter, which is far less convenient. Can anyone enlighten me here?
RE: Troubleshooting the single-action Location button
Figured it out. Just needed to use an international format for the phone number (put a 1 at the front)
Troubleshooting the single-action Location button
I bought 3 of these buttons. I downloaded the app and got the 1st of them to be seen by the phone. I saved the settings for the location function (entered the number to text and all that). When I hold down the button, the phone makes a ding and then a few seconds later a sort of error noise. No text is ever sent. Do you have an idea what the problem might be?